Well, the user has decided to Copy something to our lister or dropped
something on us, either way we've now got the hard work of adding it to the
2 if checkhandler() then
3 return
4 lister set handle busy on
5 lister set otherhandle busy on
6 lister query otherhandle path
7 frompath = result
9 mustcopy = upper(right(src,length(arcsubdir))) ~== upper(arcsubdir)
10 if mustcopy then do
11 homedir = 'T:ArcDir'handle'/'
12 call createdirs
13 end
14 else
15 homedir = left(frompath,length(frompath) - length(arcsubdir))
17 if mustcopy then
18 do i = 1 to entries
19 lister query otherhandle entry '"'name.i'"' stem fileinfo.
20 if fileinfo.type > 0 then
21 address command 'Copy "'frompath||name.i'" "T:ArcDir'handle'/'arcsubdir||name.i'" ALL CLONE QUIET'
22 else
23 address command 'Copy "'frompath||name.i'" "T:ArcDir'handle'/'arcsubdir'" CLONE QUIET'
24 end
26 lister set handle title getcatstr(12,'Adding to archive...')
27 lister refresh handle full
29 select
30 when arctype = 'LHA' then do
31 call open('actionfile','T:actionfile'handle,'w')
32 call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(homedir,0)'"')
33 do i = 1 to entries
34 call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(arcsubdir||name.i,0)'"')
35 end
36 call close('actionfile')
38 if pos('.LZH/',test) > 0 then
39 method = '-0'
40 else
41 method = ''
42 address command 'LhA r' method '-q -e -r -X -Qo "'patch(arcfile,0)'" @T:actionfile'handle
43 problem = rc > 0
44 call delete('T:actionfile'handle)
45 end
46 when arctype = 'LZX' then do
47 lzxcmd = 'LZX u -q -a -e -r -X0 --' lzxkludge(patch(arcfile,0))
48 linelen = 0
49 n = 0
50 do i = 1 to entries
51 dothis = lzxkludge(patch(arcsubdir||name.i,0))
52 linelen = linelen + length(dothis) + 1
53 if i = 1 | linelen > 255 then do
54 n = n + 1
55 dothese.n = dothis
56 linelen = length(lzxcmd) + length(dothis) + 1
57 end
58 else
59 dothese.n = dothese.n dothis
60 end
62 oldcurrent = pragma('d')
63 call pragma('d',homedir)
64 do i = 1 to n
65 address command lzxcmd dothese.i
66 problem = rc > 0
67 if problem then
68 leave
69 end
70 call pragma('d',oldcurrent)
71 end
72 end
74 if mustcopy then
75 address command 'Delete >NIL: T:ArcDir'handle 'ALL QUIET'
77 if problem then
78 call displayerror(getcatstr(13,'Error while adding to archive.'))
79 else do
80 do i = 1 to entries
81 lister select otherhandle '"'name.i'"' off
82 end
83 lister refresh otherhandle
84 call delete('T:ArcDir.list'handle)
85 call arclist
86 end
88 lister set otherhandle busy off
89 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 - 3 We call the checkhandler routine to make sure that the other lister
wasn't a custom handler, if it was we return immediately.
4 - 5 Turn the state of both listers to busy so the user can't play with
6 - 7 We get the path of the other lister so we know where the files are
coming from and assign it to frompath.
8 This seems rather a complex way of doing things to me, but we set
mustcopy to true (1) if we're not in the root directory of the
9 - 12 If mustcopy is true then we set homedir to a temporary directory in
T:, and call the createdirs routine to create it.
13 - 14 mustcopy wasn't true so we set homedir to the path in the other
17 - 24 If mustcopy did get set in line 9, then we need to copy the files or
dirs to the directory structure created in T:. We use
lister query entry to get each entries TYPE, if it's a file, (<0),
we copy it straight to the directory in T:, if it's a directory,
(>0), we copy it's directory structure to the directory in T:.
26 - 27 Change the lister's titlebar to show what we're doing, translating if
necessary through getcatstr .
29 Depending on what type of archive it was, LhA or LZX, the appropriate
block of statements in the Select...When conditional block gets
executed. I'll just describe the LhA side, you can work out the
other :)
31 - 32 We open a file in T: for writing to, it will contain the entries that
we want to add. The first line we write is the variable homedir.
33 - 35 A DO loop in which we write the entry to the temporary file in T:,
patching the string for strange characters. Keep doing
it until there are no more entries to add.
36 Close the temporary file.
38 - 41 If the archive ends in .LZH we set the archiver method to '-0' to
retain compatibility when we add the entries, (see LhA docs).
42 Call the archiver to add the entries patching for any strange
characters in the archive name and passing the list of entries to add
in the temporary file.
43 If there was a problem we set problem to 1.
44 Delete the temporary file.
45 End of the When block for LhA archives.
74 - 75 If mustcopy was set, then we delete the directory structure that was
created in T:.
77 - 78 There was a problem adding the files and RC got set to something
other than 0, so we display an error message via the displayerror
79 - 86 There wasn't a problem, so we unselect the files in the other lister
and refresh it's display. We delete the archive contents list in T:
because it's now out of date and call arclist to generate a new
88 - 89 We set the state of the other lister to idle and return.